Dev Log 1

Month 1:

Month 1 started off with a simple objective, make the base of the game.
This would include:

A rough map design to set as the setting,

A player unit that can navigate the map,

an enemy which will chase the player,

if the enemy reaches the player then take the player to a seperate scene which will be for battles,

have the U.I made for said battle scene (a simple box with 4 options. run, pouch, attack and companions.

Everything went well, however there was a hiccup when it came to the enemy script thats used for chasing down the player. That issue being the fact that its such a simple script (get my targets pos, get mines, go towards) that the A.I is not only very dumb, but they can also force their way through objects that are supposed to act as solid objects.

I will have to look into maybe some NavMeshing to help solve this issue.

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